Tshwabiso Monanyane
Motsamaise wa masepala Nqobile Sithole le Meiyara Mpho Khunou ba itlhalosa. |
Meiyara Khunou o tlhotse a tshwere kopano le bobegadikgang kwa dikagong tsa masepala gompieno.
E rile ka Labobedi, Sebueledi sa Hawks mo porofenseng ya North West Tlangelani Rikhotso,a bue fa go le ditokomane tse di gapilweng kwa dikantorong di le nne tsa masepala di akaretsa ya motsamaisi wa masepala, Tlhogo ya tsa matlotlo, kantoro ya go somarela direkoto tsa bokwaledi le ya tsamaiso ya ditirelo magareng ga masepala le batlamedi ba ba rebolang ditirelo.
Fela e rile gompieno, meiyara a tlhalose fa ba tla dirisana le lephata la Hawks mo dipatlisisong tse a gateletseng fa di sena motheo. " Ga gona ope yo a tlhalosang gore naaare manyofonyofo a R85m a utswitswe kgotsa go diragala eng. Se re se itseng ke gore ne gona le modumo ka madi a kana ka R25m a a diriseditsweng morero wa dikonteraka mo Moruni Kakaretso a setseng a botsisitse ka madi ao mme re a arabetse gore a dirisitswe jang. Jaanong re maketse ka morero wa R85m". Nopolo ya Khunou.
Kgabagare, Lekoko la Forum For Service Delivery le lona le ne la tshwara konferense le bobegakgang ura morago ga tsibogo ya meiyara Khunou. Molekgotla wa F4SD ,Pogiso Bothomane , o gatelela fa ba na le bosupi jo bo tletseng ba bogwenegwene kwa masepaleng wa Rustenburg. " Following the Hawks raid of the Rustenburg municipality offices on Tuesday, F4SD is receiving a flurry of information on administrative fumbling,sheer incompetence and allegations of corrupt activities in the municipality. The municipality owe ENATISs over R800 000 for registration and licensing of municipal vehicles". Nopolo ya Bothomane.
Lephata la Hawks le tlhalositse fa le tla batlisisana le ditatofatso kgatlhanong le masepala wa Rustenburg jaaka le gapile ditlankana kwa dikantorong di ka nna nne tsa masepala di akaretsa kantoro ya Motsamaisi wa masepala le ya motlhankela wa matlotlo.